Sunday, March 15, 2009

Something's Sprung!!

To the gentle "tings" of my windchimes, I took these pics:)
Thankyou for longer days...

A warmer sun...

And a brighter sky!!!!
Don't you just LOVE Spring.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Heart This

So... It's kind of like the stars have to be aligned...... It has to snow.... then it has to melt....some. And Wah-Lah! This is the Surprise!

This also happens to be the view out of my kitchen window- How lucky am I? I know this has been there for God only knows how long, however, this has been one of the super fun parts of living where we do. (I actually think WE are the ones who discovered it!) Each year brings the age-old statement- "Oh, look- it's the heart!" So, as I awoke to the soft, cold, white stuff yet again this morning- even after I said "please". I am paying homage to its glorious benefits!

I recently sent this pic to our traveling baby bird and her reply was- "Thank-you! I miss the heart on the mountain"- I mean seriously... Who wouldn't?!

Our sincere Thanks and Gratitude to the Artist:)