Wednesday, February 25, 2009


No... I have not given blogging up for Lent... I'm thinking! Happy Mardi Gras- Now, go buy yourself some pretty beads:)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby Bird

Wow! Where did the time go?
It seems like only yesterday you were our tiny, little bundle of joy that we had no idea how to care for!
And look at you now!
The past 20 years have been so rewarding! You are such a delightful person that brings an extra ray of sunshine wherever you go:)
Thank-you for making us so proud& Thank-you for being you!
We love you so much.
We got you a little something to celebrate the big day......

But you can't have it until you get home:)
Happy 20th Birthday, baby bird.
The Hometown Crowd

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Donut Sound Fun...

So... A good friend of mine brought me a little surprise yesterday! And- I did not want to hurt anybody's feelings. So.... I ate one of these little beauties! And- I am not sorry. It tasted so good coupled with a Diet Coke:)
I do have a point to this blog-
These came from a

It is called Sugar Baby's Donut Works
It's located @ 2278 S Redwood Rd
Phone # 975-6381
I know they have a "Happy Hour" Sometime in the morning around 7:00 A.M. and during that time you can get a dozen of these bad boys for $7.50:)
No lie- you need to check this place out- you won't be sorry!
Run- Don't walk.
P.S. Please don't tell my Wii trainer about this blog- She would not be happy at all!