Sunday, March 15, 2009

Something's Sprung!!

To the gentle "tings" of my windchimes, I took these pics:)
Thankyou for longer days...

A warmer sun...

And a brighter sky!!!!
Don't you just LOVE Spring.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Heart This

So... It's kind of like the stars have to be aligned...... It has to snow.... then it has to melt....some. And Wah-Lah! This is the Surprise!

This also happens to be the view out of my kitchen window- How lucky am I? I know this has been there for God only knows how long, however, this has been one of the super fun parts of living where we do. (I actually think WE are the ones who discovered it!) Each year brings the age-old statement- "Oh, look- it's the heart!" So, as I awoke to the soft, cold, white stuff yet again this morning- even after I said "please". I am paying homage to its glorious benefits!

I recently sent this pic to our traveling baby bird and her reply was- "Thank-you! I miss the heart on the mountain"- I mean seriously... Who wouldn't?!

Our sincere Thanks and Gratitude to the Artist:)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


No... I have not given blogging up for Lent... I'm thinking! Happy Mardi Gras- Now, go buy yourself some pretty beads:)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby Bird

Wow! Where did the time go?
It seems like only yesterday you were our tiny, little bundle of joy that we had no idea how to care for!
And look at you now!
The past 20 years have been so rewarding! You are such a delightful person that brings an extra ray of sunshine wherever you go:)
Thank-you for making us so proud& Thank-you for being you!
We love you so much.
We got you a little something to celebrate the big day......

But you can't have it until you get home:)
Happy 20th Birthday, baby bird.
The Hometown Crowd

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Donut Sound Fun...

So... A good friend of mine brought me a little surprise yesterday! And- I did not want to hurt anybody's feelings. So.... I ate one of these little beauties! And- I am not sorry. It tasted so good coupled with a Diet Coke:)
I do have a point to this blog-
These came from a

It is called Sugar Baby's Donut Works
It's located @ 2278 S Redwood Rd
Phone # 975-6381
I know they have a "Happy Hour" Sometime in the morning around 7:00 A.M. and during that time you can get a dozen of these bad boys for $7.50:)
No lie- you need to check this place out- you won't be sorry!
Run- Don't walk.
P.S. Please don't tell my Wii trainer about this blog- She would not be happy at all!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's All Fun & Games Until Someone Goes Down!

So... We might have bought a new "thingy"....

You can refer to me as the "calorie incinerator", if you like. "They" (the folks @ wii) do. Yeah. Lets just say I can twirl 6 hoola hoops on my hips for 3 minutes! There is no guarantee I will be able to walk tomorrow but for today- Me and my Mii are going to bask in it!!! My official "wii age" is 34 (4 years my jr.). My goal is to lose 21 lbs. in the next three months... We shall see.

Rest assured, I will keep you posted.

*Sorry the plate of sweet rolls got in the way @ the bottom of the pic- I took care of those little buggars right after I finshed my workout! lol

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Next????

We broke her of the Binky....

Now it's time for her to find a job!!!

Disclaimer: I really do love my dog- she is about the coolest thing ever! And besides that- no one else in the house was up for a photo shoot! I will let you know if she gets the job!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A labor of LOVE

Ta-Dum! I wasted 2 hours today making these darling, little, scrumdidliumptious cupcakes! Couldn't think of anything I would rather have done. I love baking and I love Valentines...

So what better way to bring the two together:)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


That was the final word of the opening prayer at the inauguration ceremony for our 44th president of the United States. I still believe hormones played a large part in my reaction but still the same I wept. It was such a beautiful, hopeful, inspiring, and reverent prayer that by the time he was done I truly was overwhelmed with emotion. Whether or not the man you voted for on Nov. 2nd won is truly irrelevant at this point- What is is your response. Do you rejoice, do you choose to believe, do you decide to hope for more and better in the coming days, months, and years. I do. Here's to brighter days, whatever that may mean for you. I hope you choose, if nothing else, to be happy.

I know I have hope.


Someone who will write this to the most important possessions he holds can't be all that bad. Give him a chance. Give hope, happiness, and those brighter days ahead.... a chance.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Question Du Jour

If you were to go to Sundance Film Festival and could meet and hang with one celeb... Who would it be?

Without question mine would be the oh so fabulous..... Ellen Degeneres. She seems so nice, so fun, and she can DANCE!! I think it would be a blast to bust a move @ Sundance with Ms. D.

What about you?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Drum Roll, please...... This is my first time ever at this rodeo so bear with me and hold on tight!
I figured since I am a blog junkie myself, i should give others a fair opportunity to waste precious time in their lives following my blog (like I do theirs). Really though, My day goes so much better if I afford myself the time to sit down with a hot cup of magic juice (coffee) early in the morning when all you can hear is the hum of my computer and the settling noises of my house saying good morning and catch up on all the musings of life that are happening to loved ones, friends, a few strangers and a few more strangers, that if I had my way, would be my friend! My husband encouraged me to make this a place where I share happy things, good news, and simple things that make or made me smile. So... Welcome to my nest, make yourself comfy, and please feel free to let me in on all your happy moments as well: ) Much love to my baby birds.