So... We might have bought a new "thingy"....
You can refer to me as the "calorie incinerator", if you like. "They" (the folks @ wii) do. Yeah. Lets just say I can twirl 6 hoola hoops on my hips for 3 minutes! There is no guarantee I will be able to walk tomorrow but for today- Me and my Mii are going to bask in it!!! My official "wii age" is 34 (4 years my jr.). My goal is to lose 21 lbs. in the next three months... We shall see.Rest assured, I will keep you posted. *Sorry the plate of sweet rolls got in the way @ the bottom of the pic- I took care of those little buggars right after I finshed my workout! lol
I like how you have the sweet rolls and the Wii Fit in the same shot.
When are you coming back to the gym?!?! I MISS YOU!!!
I hope this is Robin!!! I did get your message and I was going to call you and say thanks!!! I love that you look at my blog I am going to add you to my list!!!
We go up by butterflied canyon and down Backus by the mine entrance! Its best to go about 5 at night!!!
The Wii Fit has got my thighs burning. Who would have guessed a Video Game could do such damage.. OMG .I can hardly walk the stairs,,, Bill got us the Wii Fit as it's much cheaper then a treadmill. Ok so it is doing me good, I have already done the damage. My Wii age is 44 (+6) and my poor Mii has an inner tube around her wait now... :(
If you cannot find me, try The blog-gods are messing with me!
You'll keep me posted about the play games/lose weight. I am saving my money for one just in case it's not a fad.
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