Friday, January 16, 2009

Question Du Jour

If you were to go to Sundance Film Festival and could meet and hang with one celeb... Who would it be?

Without question mine would be the oh so fabulous..... Ellen Degeneres. She seems so nice, so fun, and she can DANCE!! I think it would be a blast to bust a move @ Sundance with Ms. D.

What about you?


Michele said...

I would want to hang out with Jennifer Aniston! She is my role model. She seems like she would be really nice and fun to be around. Ellen would be pretty cool too. :)

Mandy said...

I wouldn't want to go up there. I get anxiety just thinking about it. But, if I were heavily medicated at the time I would have to say Ellen. And any other famous person. They would have to be on the A list- because lets face it- who would get all xanexed out just for Paris Hilton. Bleh!
Did you figure out your email notification thingy yet??